Smartverse Team

Why We Do This

One of the main reasons why we do this project is that we believe that crypto and everything related to that has a great potential for the future. So we wanted to contribute something, especially for the coin that we really support, which is Bitcoin Cash.

Why Bitcoin Cash?

See Our Blog

Family project

So our work on a project we called Smartverse began. We expected that we would spend time together as a family, that we would have fun and that it would help us and that perhaps it would also help the growth of our community.

We try to BUIDL not just HODL

At the same time our idea is that if we can and we know how, then we could and should try to start creating something rather than just hodling. And when everyone in the community contributes as much as they can within their own capabilities, everyone grows.

Team 5P

Founder and Developer


Our 6yr old advisor :)

Advisor and Developer

Story Writter

Our thanks also belong to external collaborators, amazing graphic designer which helped us turn our visions into reality and fictional language creator.